Working from home might mean more time in your house, but let’s face it, there’s still never enough time in the day. Maybe you’re hitting snooze a few extra times (don’t worry, us too) or spending your time getting the kids and family ready for their day. Either way, overnight oats are the perfect grab and go (to your home office or classroom) meal for the mornings. These fool-proof recipes will have you wondering why overnight oats haven’t been your go-to breakfast for years already.

Overnight oats are best prepared the night before so in the morning, all you need to do is enjoy. How simple is that? 

The recipe title tells you everything you need to know. All you need is rolled oats, a milk of your choice, and any add-ins (we have some tasty ideas below). From oat milk to soy milk, to chocolate chips or peanut butter, there are so many opportunities to make this meal your own. Dairy-free, allergic to chocolate, or staying away from sugar? By swapping out a few key ingredients, this recipe can fit almost any diet and allow you to make the most of the morning. 

Get the day started with a tasty, healthy and filling meal. Let us know your favorite add-in on our Safe At Home Facebook page.

Safe at Home Recipe: Overnight Oats


Base Recipe:

1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats

1 cup milk of your choice


1) 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1/2 of a banana (mashed), top with other 1/2 of banana sliced

2) 1 small apple, 2 tbsp maple syrup, brown sugar, pecans and cinnamon to taste

3) 1 tbsp cocoa powder, 2 tbsp maple syrup, mini chocolate chips to taste

4) 3 strawberries (diced), 2 tbsp Nutella

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