This is the newest it drink of the year. First, we had whipped coffee, now we have hot chocolate bombs, and who knows what will be next (but we’ll be sure to keep you updated.) These hot chocolate bombs are a huge upgrade from the packets of hot cocoa you get in the coffee aisle, and they’re surprisingly simple to make. With the ability to customize the flavors, add-ins, and decorations, you can make these all winter without getting bored.

Not only are hot chocolate bombs a fun activity to make for yourself or with the kids, but they make a great gift too! Put together a mug, some hot cocoa bombs, and maybe a batch of homemade cookies to go along with it (plus a mini bottle of Bailey’s or peppermint schnapps if the recipient is 21+) for a thoughtful, homemade gift that your loved ones will actually enjoy.

If you plan on following Devin’s hot chocolate bomb recipe below, please let us know! Snap a pic, or better yet a super satisfying video of the bomb melting in your cup, and share with us on our Safe at Home Facebook Group.

How to Make Devin's Hot Chocolate Bombs:


  • White Chocolate Melts
  • Silicone Sphere Mold
  • Hot Chocolate Mix
  • Toppings / Marshmallows
  • Candy Thermometer


  1. Place silicone sphere mold on a flat surface
  2. Heat and temper your chocolate to 95 degrees.
  3. Take a spoonful or two of your melted chocolate and layer into your mold. Flip and let excess chocolate drip out.
  4. Let them sit on the counter for a few minutes then pop into the refrigerator upside down for about four minutes. Remove and place in the freezer, chocolate side up, for about two minutes.
  5. Carefully pull away the silicone from your chocolate.
  6. Fill your bombs with hot chocolate mix and toppings, then seal with warm chocolate. 

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