Lasting for eight days, Hanukkah originated as the festival of lights in 165 BCE [1]. In modern times, families celebrate by lighting a candle each night, eating traditional foods, and enjoying gifts. Regardless of your religious background, we challenge you to take part in eight days of gratitude to finish out the year.


Day 1: Say “good morning” to everyone when you wake up

In the morning, we are often in a rush to get our workday started. However, for this first day of Hanukkah, slow down and say good morning to those in your household. If you live alone, start the morning by checking in on those close to you to set them up for a day of success.

Day 2: Send an unexpected message to someone you're grateful for

With stay-at-home orders across the country, we must get creative when we’re thinking of ways to say thanks while safe at home. Challenge yourself to send a message to someone you’re grateful for, especially if they’re not expecting it.

Day 3: Give back to your community while #SafeAtHome

Find a way to get involved in your community while safe at home during the holidays. This could mean making care packages for first responders, donating to the local animal shelter, or even tutoring homeless children remotely. It feels so good to give back.

Day 4: Tell everyone a story about your day, make it as exciting as you can

Make the evening a little more exciting by sharing a story. Tell your household, family, or friends about the day, but make it magical. If you can turn your day-to-day life into an adventure, you’ll find a new appreciation for the little things.

Day 5: Take a relaxing bath

Add some candles, a book, and wine or a mocktail to your usual bath routine. Set the mood and get bubbly.

Day 6: Treat yourself to your favorite local takeout 

It’s been a long year, treat yourself. Local restaurants need your support, so tonight get takeout from your favorite local spot.

Day 7: Thank your body by challenging yourself to a tough workout

Cheers to your health! Thank your body by doing a hard home workout. Grab a weight, go on a walk, even take the pup on a run with you.

Day 8: Journal your recent accomplishments. You are so awesome.

Have you learned something new or accomplished a task you’re proud of while safe at home? Make sure to write it down then celebrate yourself, you’ve earned it!



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