In this house, we decorate for Halloween. And we go all out. With all this time spent at home with family this season, we love to make our own. We made this simple homemade ghost garland that is beyond cute, and we have confidence you can make it too!


Ghosts are an essential part of Halloween, and garlands are an essential part of decorating so they go hand in hand for this easy DIY project. Hang your garland on your banister, front porch, fence, or doorway for an added dash of that Halloween flavor in your home.


The beauty of DIY home decor is that you can customize it 100%. We made our ghosts super cute, but you don’t have to. If you’re more into the horror aspect of Halloween, feel free to spookify your ghosts! Or give your ghosts little pirate hats or vampire fangs, there’s no going wrong!


First thing you have to do after making your very own ghost garland? Show us a picture (bonus points if you get your dog to model in front of it like our buddy, Capone)! Tag us on Instagram with @ADTsecurity and #SafeAtHome. And don’t forget to “Like” us so you can get more DIY’s, recipes, and activity ideas!


Safe at Home Activity: Make Your Own DIY Ghost Garland

  • Cheesecloth
  • 2" Styrofoam ball
  • Black felt
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Twine


  1. Cut 10"" squares of cheesecloth, 2-3 squares for each ghost.
  2. Use hot glue to attach one styrofoam ball to the middle of your squares of cheesecloth. Let dry.
  3. Cut out little faces for your ghosts on the black felt. Get creative!
  4. Glue your faces onto your ghosts, tie your twine into loops and hot glue onto the top of each ghost.
  5. String onto a length of twine to hang around your home.

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