Do you think our pets get as excited for fall as we do? Do you think they look forward to snapping up crunchy leaves, panting less in the cooler weather, and curling up with you on the couch? Whether or not our pets can have a favorite season, we have a few ideas for how you can celebrate this autumn with them.

Pumpkin Treats: Just like we enjoy our pumpkin spice lattes, your dog will love these pumpkin-peanut butter treats. Search for a recipe that fits your furry friend’s dietary restrictions.

Knit Matching Infinity Scarves: If you don’t know how to knit or sew, no worries! There are really simple tutorials online, you can make it as intricate as you’d like, all skill levels are welcome. No matter how great (or embarrassing) the scarves turn out, your pet will still love you! How great is that?

Let them help rake the leaves: While you may see it as a chore, lawn maintenance is a treat for your pets! If they aren’t interested in the leaves, try alternating your leaf raking with a few throws of their favorite tennis ball. They may not be a huge help in cleaning up the yard, they will have a ton of fun and love you even more for it!

Grab puppuccinos together:
How much does your pup like to go for car rides? Combine one of their favorite activities with a fall treat you can both enjoy. Some coffee shops will put a squirt of whipped cream into a little espresso cup for your furry friend if you ask for it.

Make them a little Halloween costume:
All it takes is a quick search for “best pet costumes” to give you the itch. While you can easily find a pet-sized costume for under $20, it’s so much more fun to make your pet’s costume yourself. That way you can ensure it fits well, doesn’t annoy them, and matches their personality!

Take as many nature hikes as you can:  Before the cold months set in and your walks become shorter for the sake of warmth, get all the long walks in that you can! You can admire the fall foliage together; they can attack leaves as they fall or run through leaf piles at full speed.

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Safe at Home Activity: Fall-y Ways to Shower Your Pet with Love

  • Bake some pumpkin & peanut butter dog treats
  • Knit matching infinity scarves for you and your pup
  • Let them help rake the leaves
  • Grab puppuccinos together
  • Make them a little halloween costume
  • Take as many nature hikes as you can!"

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